Using Artificial Intelligence to create more preventive and personalised healthcare
We support researchers who work on treatments for serious diseases and rare conditions. Your donation can play a crucial role in making new treatments possible or improving existing ones.
Our impact
Digital Twins
A digital twin of each patient, created through the unique collaboration between ICT experts and clinical specialists at UZA.Heart - Hike
Prof. dr. Bart Loeys embarks on a True Heart’s Mission Against Sudden Cardiac Death. Every hour somebody loses their life to sudden cardiac death.
How can I contribute?
Every gift is important. Here are three easy ways to contribute:
donate online to account number IBAN BE69 0017 9875 6478,
include the UZA foundation in your will,
support a specific project or set up your own fund.
Get involved
Launch a Campaign
Would you like to get involved? Launch a campaign for Heart Hike: organise a walk, concert on the occasion of your birthday or with your school or company? Let's do this together!Set up a Fund
Would you like to make a meaningful commitment and support research in a more sustainable way? Let's do this together!Donate online
Your gift will make a difference by making a meaningful contribution to an innovative treatment or better solution for patients.Make a Will
A will is important for everyone and can be useful regardless of estate size. It’s a way to support the people and causes important to you. Would you like to support research you hold dear?
UZA foundation team
Left to right: Emma Staut, Axelle Staes, Sofie Loos, Valerie Rigaumont en Ann Verbeeck.